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How to earn extra money whilst shopping - NOT Clickbait! (UK)

If you're anything like me...there is a very very very big chance that you love purchasing things off the internet, because it means you can:

  • do it in the comfort of your own home or anywhere else with an internet connection,

  • purchase exactly what you want, to your heart's content without getting pushed, shoved or judged...,

  • ensure the dress (or anything else) you purchased is fresh and hasn't been fondled, snagged or smothered in 'eau de BO' by the previous 10+ people who may have tried it on before you,

  • your feet and legs won't ache from walking around all day, searching for the thing you wanted,

  • your shoulders, arms and fingers won't feel sore from lugging the heavy purchase you made the mistake of buying first thing in the morning,

  • you can take a toilet break whenever you want and it's guaranteed to be much nicer than the public ones...(i would hope so anyways..) many pros! you'd be crazy to not want to take advantage of doing things online!

Anyhow, onto the best bit of this post...did you know, as a cherry on the top, you can get extra money, by purchasing the exact same items you purchase online, but via a cash back website? (Please note: i'm not getting paid to say this, i'm just sharing my tip with you...cause i'm nice like that...)

But obviously, there are a few things you need to bare in mind.

  • At present, i am using two different cash back websites and they are:



  • The way it works is:

  • you need to sign up on the cash back website(s). They will ask for personal details, including bank account details if you want them to transfer cash back to you, or in the case of Quidco, you can boost the value by requesting vouchers instead. This is what i have done in the past and i usually received an email after a week or so of requesting it,

  • Quidco has an option to be a 'premium' member, which means that you get a higher cash back rate and the cash back is usually acknowledged quicker than standard members, meaning you can get your cash back quicker, in addition, you can speak to the support staff if you have any questions and get promotions and no advertisement. For this privilege, i believe they charge approx £5 a year and they will take it from your cash back, hence you will never have to pay out of your own pocket, per se,

  • Cash back varies between the two sites, therefore, do check the rates on each site before purchasing to make the most of the cash back you get,

  • not all websites partner up with the cash back websites and the staff that work at the stores will not have a clue what Quidco is, if you ask them about it,

  • Overview vid from Quidco, if you still don't understand what i am talking about above:

  • FAQs from TopCashBack:

FYI, i have been using Quido for quite a few years now and i can confirm that i am approaching a 4 digit £cash back..which yes, clearly means that i have spent a lot of money over the years, but it also means that i gained and didn't lose out on that amount over the years!

From my experience, my biggest cash back amounts have been when i purchased travel insurance or mobile phone contracts. Definitely recommend you take a look if thats what you're looking to purchase!

I have only been using TopCashBack for a few months but have noticed that i don't use it as much as Quidco, but that's only because the cash back amount is usually very similar, however, because i am a premium Quidco member, i'm just conscious that i get a booster cash back amount if i take the money back as vouchers. Saying that, TopCashBack has had some amazing buy x and get the full amount of money back in cash! total bargain! :)

Hope that was of help to you!

If so, heres a couple of referral links for you if you want to join: (yes, you can get cash back by referring people :))

  • TopCashBack: no point sharing my referral link as you don't benefit from it at all

Happy shopping and do let me know if you found this post useful!! :)

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